Løvenskiold Handel succeeds with Bsure  

Jon Gunnar
Jon Gunnar Jørgensen, IT Manager at Løvenskiold Handel

The discovery of Bsure

In a world where efficiency and cost control are becoming increasingly important, companies are continuously searching for solutions that can optimize their internal processes. For Løvenskiold Handel, a recognized player in its field and perhaps best known for its Maxbo stores, the answer was found at an event hosted by a supplier. 

  • “I discovered Bsure during a dinner before Christmas, and in less than 5 minutes, I was convinced that this was a tool I needed”, says Jon Gunnar Jørgensen, IT Manager at Løvenskiold Handel.  

He had looked at similar tools before without finding exactly what he was searching for, but after this dinner, Løvenskiold Handel quickly became a customer of Bsure. 

  • “The potential for cost savings caught my attention, as this is an area where it’s challenging to achieve good control”, he reflects. 

The solution that meets the needs

Previous attempts to find a tool that could provide a holistic overview of costs and processes had not yielded optimal results for Løvenskiold. Bsure changed this by offering an application that not only addressed these needs but also opened new opportunities within organizational management. 

  • “The application can be an essential tool that links together HR, finance, and the IT department, offering functionality far beyond controlling license costs.”  

It was also easy to get started with the solution, and Jørgensen praises Bsure for how smooth the installation process was, as they had access to the solution and could see their own data within a meeting.  

Transparency as the key to improvement

With Bsure, all aspects of IT management become more transparent. 

  • “We have always focused on process improvement, but with Bsure everything becomes very transparent, and we can always see that it turns out as we have planned”  

Jørgensen says they can use the tool for everything from identity access management, IT audits, to an overview of license partners and their usage. He highlights how this insight allows Løvenskiold to continuously challenge and improve their working methods.  

Concrete impact

Bsure gives Løvenskiold a clear picture of users’ licenses, security setups, and access rights. This “answer key” is invaluable for maintaining an overview of costs and security in a large organization.  

Final thoughts

Løvenskiold’s story with Bsure demonstrates the power the right tool can have to improve and streamline business processes, invite collaboration across departments, and also contribute to cost savings. This is what Bsure’s solution has done for Løvenskiold Handel through insights or transparency in data that are difficult to access on one’s own. 

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