We become better consultants and sales people with Bsure


That’s what Thomas Vikstøl, Head of Strategy and Insight at the IT Partner Move, says. With Bsure, they sell better and more efficiently to new customers, while also improving the service quality for customers on service agreements.

  • Bsure is a unique product that provides a lot of value for both us and our customers, says Thomas.  

They use Bsure internally, with existing customers, and in new sales to completely new customers. 

Better service for existing customers 

  • We have a large operations department where we manage all IT systems and solutions for large and medium-sized customers. Usually, we also handle Microsoft licenses for these customers, explains Thomas. 

By installing Bsure for these customers, they gain a completely different insight and can be proactive. 

  • We can be proactive with licenses, find customers who are overpaying for licenses, and notify them about it, says Thomas. 

They also gain good insight into various security aspects of the customer’s Microsoft 365 solution. 

  • That allows us to be proactive, make suggestions, and thus provide better service and sell more consulting hours to existing customers, explains Thomas. 

Selling more and faster, and with better service 

Using Bsure in the sales process is also seen as a significant advantage. It makes the sales process much more efficient for all parties involved and increases the likelihood of making a sale. 

  • In a traditional sales process, it’s often the case that you sell based on both your and the customer’s feeling that something is not right. And you investigate to confirm this feeling, says Thomas. 

With Bsure, they sell consulting services related to Microsoft 365, especially those related to security and users. 

Most security incidents occur through a user. Does the customer have full control over all the users in the account, verifying that they are genuine and active? 

  • With Bsure, there are no emotions involved, and there’s little need for research. You get facts that you can delve into to find the causes. That way, you get the answers  and insights immediately. This allows us, as sellers, to become better consultants and salespeople and spend less time on the sales process, explains Thomas. 

For the customer, this insight into their own data is valuable in itself. And the chance of making a sale increases because the customer can see the errors “black on white” rather than just having a feeling that something is not quite right. The tasks can be concretized and resolved more quickly. This is advantageous for both the consultant and the customer. 

  • We see that we build trust by bringing this insight to the meeting. And there’s always a lot to address when we have this insight, so we have a lot to sell, explains Thomas. 

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